WALK YOUR OWN PATH IN LIFE When trying to pick a career choice for the rest of your life it’s not an easy task for someone who may still be a teenager and still in high school. The reality is that many people go on to change careers over the course of their life for many reasons. Does money and success buy you happiness? Sure, everyone wants that great career that pays out more money than the actual amount of effort put in. However, not everyone is built the same and one persons passion will be different from another. The work ethic, studying philosophy and creativeness begins at an early age, depending on what your child finds an interest in. I can quite easily say that there is also some inherent genetics that play a part as my own brain and interests are definitely similar to my fathers. How to encourage your child I can remember as a child growing up that my parents had obviously seen that I had an interest and certain developing skills that led them to encourage and pursue similar activities for me. They also bought toys and encouraged my interest in activities related to […]
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